State Agencies Bulletin No. 74

Adding the Budget Year to the Position Pool
Date Issued
February 26, 1999

The budget year has been added to Position Pool Table and Earnings Distribution to give agencies the ability to charge earnings to a budget year other than the current fiscal year.

To charge the funding to a year other than the current fiscal year, choose the Budget Year from the drop down box. Only those budget years that appear in the drop down box are valid. Charges will automatically be made to the current fiscal year when the budget year field is blank.

If you want the current fiscal year to be charged, be sure the budget year field is left blank. If you enter a year in budget year, that budget year will continue to be charged even when the fiscal year changes.

Instructions for adding the Budget Year to the Position Pool

  1. Open the Position Pool Table panel.

    Path Name: Define Business Rules - Define Budget/Encumbrnce(U.S.) - Setup - Position Pool Table – Update/Display.
  2. Type the Position Pool ID.
    1. Select the Department indicating the specific agency within the State of New York.
    2. Type the Position Pool ID indicating the group of the positions whose attributes you wish to change.
  3. Record the Position Pool ID changes.
    1. Insert a new row.
    2. Confirm the default of today’s date or type the correct Effective Date.
    3. Type the Description.
    4. Type the Short Desc (Description).
    5. Confirm the default or select the Account Code which is the primary funding source for employees’ regular salary.
    6. Type the Department Accumulator, if applicable. This in an optional field for agency use only.
    7. Type the Statewide Accumulator, if applicable. This in an optional field for agency use only.
    8. Type the Budget Year, if applicable. Default of blank will use the current fiscal year funding.
      If this is the only source of funding for this position pool and there are two account codes displayed, skip to Step 4. If you simply replaced the only designated account code, skip to Step 5. If you want to add or change a continuous split for this pool, continue with Step 3i.
    9. Select the Account Code, which is the second funding source for the employees’ regular salary.
    10. Type the Department Accumulator, if applicable. This is an optional field for agency use only.
    11. Type the Statewide Accumulator, if applicable. This is an optional field for agency use only.
    12. Type the Budget Year, if applicable.
    13. Type the Split Percent indicating the allocation of expenses. Skip to Step 5.
  4. Delete the second account code.
    1. Delete the Account Code.
    2. Delete the Department Accumulator, if applicable.
    3. Delete the Statewide Accumulator, if applicable.
    4. Delete the Budget Year, if applicable.
  5. Save the information and close the panel.

Instructions for adding the Budget Year for Earnings Distribution

  1. Open the Earnings Distribution panel.

    Path Name: Compensate Employees – Manage Payroll Process U.S. – Use – Paycheck Distribution – Earnings Distribution
  2. Select the employee’s paycheck distribution needing an adjustment.
    1. Paycheck Number or
    2. EmplID or
    3. Name
  3. Record the funding information.
    1. Using the outer scroll bar, locate the earnings code whose funding source you want to change.
    2. Confirm that the Fiscal Year and Period are correct. If not, select correct values from the drop down list.
    3. If you are changing the funding source for the entire amount of the earnings, enter the new Account Code.
    4. Enter the applicable Budget Year and go to Step 5. If you are splitting only a portion of the earnings amount to a different funding source, continue with Steps 3e through 3j.
    5. Change the earnings amount to equal the amount to be charge to the original account code.
    6. Insert a new row on the inner scroll bar.
    7. Enter the Fiscal Year and Period information for the new account code.
    8. Enter the amount of the earnings to be split to this account code.
    9. Type the Account Code.
      If you want to verify that you are selecting the correct Account Code click the Account Code Information button.
    10. Type the Budget Year.
      If there is another split for this earnings code, repeat Steps 3f through 3j.
  4. If you need to change the funding source for additional earnings, return to Step 3.
  5. Save the information and close the panel
    If you do not calculate the split to equal the earnings amount for that particular earnings code, the system will give you an error message. Correct the earning amount in error and repeat Step 5.

Questions concerning this bulletin should be directed to Gale Samuel at (518) 473-4285.