State Agencies Bulletin No. 329

Changing Warning Message on General Deduction Panel to a 'REJECT' Message
Date Issued
July 19, 2002


To ensure that the correct deduction calculation routine and the correct deduction amounts are inserted in the General Deduction panel.

Effective Date

This change will be implemented August 2, 2002.

OSC Actions

OSC will automatically change the 'WARNING' message: "Deduction Amount and percent are both zero" to a 'REJECT' message.

The REJECT message will be either:

"Deduction Calculation Routine requires a Deduction Rate or %; To Cancel enter a Deduction End Date",


"Deduction Calculation Routine requires a Flat/Addl Amount; To Cancel enter a Deduction End Date."

To facilitate this change, OSC changed the Deduction Calculation routine from Flat Amount to Default to Deduction Table for the following Deduction Codes:

  • Code 242 PSC Benefit Coverage (CUNY)
  • Code 278 DC37 Benefit Coverage (CUNY)
  • Code 285 PSC Benefit Coverage (CUNY)
  • Code GHIDNT GHI Dental

These codes are used for reporting benefit coverage only; there is no money deducted from the employees' paychecks.

Agency Actions

When entering any of the above deduction codes the Deduction Calculation routine must be Default to Deduction Table.


Questions regarding this bulletin may be directed to the Payroll Deductions mailbox.