State Agencies Bulletin No. 390

Direct Deposit Changes
Date Issued
May 2, 2003


  1. To provide information and instruction to agencies regarding the new edit messages and priority numbering structure for Direct Deposits.
  2. To notify agencies of actions to be taken by OSC to automatically adjust employee Direct Deposit information.

Affected Employees

Employees who may be impacted by these changes have been identified by OSC for Agency notification purposes.

Effective Date(s)

Institution Checks dated May 15, 2003

Administration Checks dated May 21, 2003


In preparation for implementation of the upgraded version (People Soft 8.3) of the Payroll System, OSC has identified changes that must be initiated now to ensure appropriate conversion of Direct Deposit information upon initiation of the upgraded System. These changes are due to new functionality as follows:

  1. Functionality in version 8.3 requires agencies to select either Excess or Partial Allowed as an option for each Direct Deposit account. The current version does not require an option to be selected.
  2. Functionality in version 8.3 requires the Excess row to be listed as the last priority for Direct Deposit distribution. In order to facilitate this change, OSC has developed a structure for priority numbering. The new priority numbering is 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800. The priority number 999 will be used for the Excess row only.

OSC Actions

    OSC has contacted each Agency to provide the names of employees who may be impacted by these changes. OSC has provided direction to Agencies to mitigate any impact to these employees.
    OSC will automatically change any rows that do not have Excess or Partial Allowed clicked to Partial Allowed.
    OSC will automatically change the priority number for Excess Direct Deposits to be 999.
    To assure that new functional requirements and priority structure remains uniform for all Direct Deposits, OSC will implement new edit messages for Direct Deposit as follows:

Error Message: Only Excess deposits can be a 999 Priority.
Explanation: If you do not want to make a transaction an Excess deposit, the priority must be changed to other than 999. An employee cannot have more than one Excess deposit per effective date.

Error Message: Priority must be 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800 or 999 (Excess deposits).
Explanation: Deposit priorities other than Excess can only be 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800 and Excess deposits must have a priority of 999.

Error Message: Partial allowed with 100% in % Net Pay field. If Direct Deposit is for 100%, row must be Excess.
Explanation: Net Pay Percent cannot be 100%, if 100% is on Direct Deposit form this deposit must be entered as excess with nothing entered in percent or flat amount field. Excess rows must have a priority of 999.

Error Message: An Excess deposit cannot be made to issue a check.
Explanation: Excess deposits must be directed to a checking or savings account.

Error Message: If a deposit is directed to issue a check an Excess deposit must exist.
Explanation: Without an Excess deposit any remaining money will be delivered to the Employee through their paycheck by default. Adding an issue check deposit without an excess deposit would be redundant.

Warning Message: Issue check not allowed.
Explanation: To cancel all Direct Deposits, insert a new effective dated row and change status to Inactive. If canceling one Direct Deposit where multiple Direct Deposits exist, highlight the priority number for the deposit to be cancelled and delete row.

Please Note: A separate bulletin will be issued to further explain all changes in functionality for Direct Deposit in Version 8.3.

Agency Actions

  1. Agencies contacted by OSC are to review Direct Deposit records of employees who potentially may be impacted by these changes and initiate adjustments as necessary.
  2. Agencies should ONLY use priority numbers 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800 when entering Direct Deposit information. Priority number 999 is to be used for the Excess row only.


Question regarding this bulletin may be directed to the Payroll Audit mailbox.