State Agencies Bulletin No. 826

April 1, 2007 Retroactive Increases to Hazardous Duty Pay, Overtime Meal, Standby Pay, and Intermittent Inconvenience Pay Payments for Employees Represented by the Public Employees Federation (PEF)
Date Issued
June 19, 2008


To inform agencies of OSC’s automatic processing and to introduce new Time Entry earn codes and procedures.

Affected Employees

Employees in Bargaining Unit 05 who meet the eligibility criteria

Effective Date(s)

Paychecks dated 7/17/08 (Institution) and 7/23/08 (Administration)


Pursuant to Chapter 114 of the Laws of 2008 which implements the new 2007-2011 Agreement between the State of New York and the Public Employees Federation (PEF) and provides for retroactive increases to Overtime Meal, Hazardous Duty Pay, Standby Pay and Intermittent Inconvenience Pay payments effective April 1, 2007 for eligible employees.

Contract Provisions

Hazardous Duty Pay Increase

The legislation provides for an increase in the Hazardous Duty differential to $.75 per hour and Hazard Duty OT to $1.13 per hour effective 3/29/07 (Institution) or 4/5/07 (Administration).

Overtime Meal Allowance Increase

The legislation provides for an increase to the Overtime Meal Allowance to $6.00 effective 3/29/07 (Institution) or 4/5/07 (Administration).

Standby Pay Increase

The legislation provides for an increase to Standby Pay to 25% of daily rate of compensation effective 3/29/07 (Institution) or 4/5/07 (Administration).

Intermittent Inconvenience Pay

The legislation provides for increases to Intermittent Inconvenience Pay to $2.21 per shift and Intermittent Inconvenience Pay OT to $.43 per hour effective 3/29/07 (Institution) or 4/5/07 (Administration).

OSC Actions - Processing Retroactive Adjustments

The following codes will have their rates adjusted beginning in Pay Period 7 with an effective date of 3/29/07:

Hazard Duty Pay Increase

For employees who are in Bargaining Unit 05 who have received HZ1 (Hazard Duty Straight Time) or HZ2 (Hazard Duty Overtime) payments with an Earnings End Date on or after the effective date of the Hazard Duty Pay increase (3/29/07 for Institution and 4/5/07 for Administration), OSC will enter the appropriate adjustment using the Time Entry Earn Codes A30 (Retro Adj HZ Pay) and A31 (Retro Adj HZ Pay OT).

Employees who received Hazard Duty Pay (HZ1) payments in 2007 will receive adjustments of $.15 per hour for each hour paid.

Employees who received Hazard Duty Pay (HZ2) payments in 2007 will receive adjustments of $.23 per hour for each hour paid.

The rates will be increased effective 3/29/07 for HZ1 and HZ2 to $0.75 and $1.13 per hour, respectively.

Intermittent Inconvenience Pay Increase

For employees who are in Bargaining Unit 05 who have received IIF or OIP payments with an Earnings End Date after the effective date of the Intermittent Inconvenience Pay increase (3/29/07 for Institution and 4/5/07 for Administration), OSC will enter the appropriate adjustments using the new Time Entry Earn Codes A10 (Retro Adj Inter Inc Pay), and A11 (Retro Adj Inter Inc Pay OT).

Earn Code IIF will be updated to $2.21 per shift.

Earn Code OIP will be updated to $.43 per hour.

The following codes will have their rates adjusted effective 3/29/07.

New Time Entry codes will be available beginning in Pay Period 7. Please refer to the “OSC Actions - New Earns Codes” section of this bulletin for further details.

Overtime Meal Allowance Increase

For employees who are in Bargaining Unit 05 who have received either OMP or OMB (PEF Overtime Meals) payments with an Earnings End Date on or after the effective date of the Overtime Meal Allowance increase (3/29/07 for Institution and 4/5/07 for Administration), OSC will enter the appropriate adjustment using the Time Entry Earn Code A40 (Retro Adj OT Meals).

Employees who received Overtime Meal Allowances (OMP) in 2007 will receive an adjustment of $.50 per meal.

Standby Pay Increase

For employees who are in Bargaining Unit 05 who have received SBC, SOC, SOT or ROC payments with an Earnings End Date after the effective date of the Standby Pay increase (3/29/07 for Institution and 4/5/07 for Administration), OSC will enter the appropriate adjustments using the Time Entry Earn Code SAA (Adj Standby/Standby OT).

Employees who received Standby Pay or Overtime Adjustments for Standby Pay will receive a total adjustment equal to 25% of the SBC, SOC, SOT and ROC amounts paid since the effective dates of the increase. Amounts paid retroactively using codes RSC, RSO and RRC also will be adjusted.

Note: All of the retroactive adjustments for the above increases will be paid in the agency where the Earnings were last earned.

OSC Actions - New Earn Codes

The following new Time Entry earn codes will be effective on or after 3/29/07 and will be available for use on 6/24/08. The old Time Entry earn codes will be removed from the earnings program as of 6/24/08.

Overtime Meals

OSC has created new Time Entry Earn Codes to be used to pay Overtime Meals for employees in Bargaining Unit 05:

  • OMU (OT Meals PEF Eligible) increased to $6.00
    • Replaces OMP
  • OMV (OT Meals PEF Ineligible) increased to $6.00
    • Replaces OMB
Standby Pay

OSC has created new Time Entry Earn Codes to be used to pay Standby Pay for employees in Bargaining Unit 05:

  • SBP (Standby PEF)
    • Replaces SBC and SOV

SBP will calculate Standby Pay at 25% of regular gross salary plus Additional Pay factors.

  • SOP (Standby OT Adjust PEF)
    • Replaces SOC, SOT and ROC

OSC no longer will require different Standby OT Adjustment codes to be used based on the type of overtime worked. In the past, SOC was used with OTA, SOT with OTT, and ROC with RCL. SOP can be submitted with any overtime code.

The earn code SOO (Standby OT Adjust Override) still will be available when agencies need to submit an adjustment after the related SBP and/or overtime have already been paid.

Agency Actions Beginning in Pay Period 7

Beginning in Pay Period 7, agencies must begin using the new Time Entry Earn Codes SBP and SOP to report Standby Pay earned after 3/29/07 (Institution) or 4/5/07 (Administration). The earn codes SBC, SOV, SOC, SOT and ROC must be used to report Standby Pay for dates prior to 3/29/07 (Institution) or 4/5/07 (Administration).

The following chart lists Standby Earn Codes with their descriptions and appropriate usage:

Earn Code Description Usage Calculation
SBP Standby PEF Regular standby for classified employees. 25% of daily rate.
SOP Standby OT Adjust Standby that must be submitted with Earn Code SBP for classified employees. System calculates .01955 of the Standby amount times the number submitted as SOP.
SOO Standby OT Override Standby Overtime Adjustment that is not submitted with SBP. Same calculation as for SOP but must be done manually.


Reporting Retroactive Adjustments

The following Time Entry earnings will not be adjusted automatically. Therefore, commencing in the pay period in which the raise is processed, the agency may report the appropriate retroactive adjustments in the Time Entry page, using the Earn Code AJR and the appropriate Earnings Begin and End Dates. An explanation of the adjustment must be included in the Time Entry comments or on the General Comments page.

  • ADJ Adjustment
  • ES2 Extra Service Amount
  • EXO Extra Time Override
  • FEE (adjust only if employee is paid based on a per diem rate)
  • LSI Lump Sum Payment Override
  • LTO Lost Time Override
  • OTO Overtime Override
  • OTT Out of Title Overtime
  • RGO Regular Salary Override
  • SLO Salary Lump Sum Payment Override
  • SOO Standby OT Override

Control-D Reports

The following Control-D report will be available after processing of the automatic increases:

NPAY771 Time Entry Payment Report

This report will be available after the automatic processing of all OSC calculated adjustments are loaded into the Time Entry page. Fields on the report include EmplID, Employee Record Number, Employee Name, Earn Code, Earns End Date, Grade, Bargaining Unit, Amount, Number of Payments Processed and Total Payment Amount.

Deduction Information

All general deductions for employees whose status is Terminated, Retired or Deceased will be automatically cancelled by OSC with the exception of the following:

Code Narrative
410 Health Care Spending Account
420 NY Dependent Care Contribution
425 Repay State Loans/Debt
426 Higher Ed Repay State Loan
428 Dependent Care
433 Total Unemployment Ins Owed
500 Medicare Deficiency
501 Social Security Deficiency
502 NYS SS/Medicare Deficiency
GARNSH Garnishments
HIATRG Regular After Tax Health
HIATSP Special After Tax Health Adj
HIBTRG Regular Before Tax Health
HIBTSP Special Before Tax Health Adj

Undeliverable Checks

Inactive employees may be eligible for a payment as a result of the adjustments. If the agency has made an effort to deliver the check to the employee but the check has been returned and is undeliverable, the agency should forward the check to the NYS Department of Tax and Finance, Division of Treasury, per instructions in Payroll Bulletin No. 456.

Checks issued to eligible employees who are now deceased should be returned with a completed Next of Kin Affidavit (Form AC 934-P) and a Report of Check Exchange (Form AC 1476-P).

For recipients of a previously deceased employee's payroll checks where a Next of Kin Affidavit and Report of Check Exchange forms have been submitted, OSC will accept a photocopy of these forms to process the exchange of the check.

Payroll Register and Employee Paycheck/Advice

All retroactive adjustments will be displayed on the payroll register and the employee’s paycheck stub or direct deposit advice.


Questions regarding this bulletin may be directed to the Payroll Audit mailbox.