New York Convention Center Operating Corporation

Contracting Practices (Follow-Up Report)

The New York Convention Center Operating Corporation operates and maintains the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center. In audit report 2000-S-48, we examined the Corporation’s contracting practices to determine whether they provide for maximum competition among vendors. We found that only a limited number of vendors submitted proposals for Corporation business because the Corporation’s practices limited, rather than encouraged, vendor competition. We also examined the Corporation’s efforts to comply with State policies promoting the participation of minority and women-owned businesses in the procurement process, and found that the Corporation did not meet even the low goals it had set for such participation. We also examined the practices used by the Corporation in monitoring revenue contracts, and found that the Corporation did not track overdue commissions. We made a number of recommendations for improvement in the Corporation’s contracting practices. When we followed up on these matters with Corporation officials, we found that they had made progress in implementing our audit recommendations.

For a complete copy of Report 2004-F-10 click here.
For a copy of the 90-day response click here.