Saratoga Youth Recreation – Financial Activities (2016M-258)

Issued Date
October 28, 2016

Purpose of Audit

The purpose of our audit was to determine whether controls were adequate to ensure that the Program’s financial activity was properly recorded and reported and that Program moneys were safeguarded for the period January 1, 2014 through May 31, 2016.


The Saratoga Youth Recreation Program is a joint activity established between the County of Saratoga and the Town of Saratoga through intermunicipal agreements to operate youth development programs for children residing in the Towns of Saratoga and Northumberland, the Village of Schuylerville and the Schuylerville Central School District, in Saratoga County. Budgeted appropriations for 2016 total approximately $6,200.

Key Finding

  • The Board implemented adequate internal controls to ensure that financial activity was properly recorded and reported and that Program money was safeguarded.

Key Recommendations

  • There are no recommendations as a result of this audit.