Town of Ithaca – Justice Court Operations (2021M-13)

Issued Date
April 30, 2021

[read complete report - pdf]

Audit Objective

Determine whether the Town of Ithaca (Town) Justices collected, deposited, disbursed, recorded and reported fines and fees in an accurate and timely manner.

Audit Results

The Justices collected, deposited, disbursed, recorded and reported the fines and fees we reviewed in an accurate and timely manner.

  • During the audit period, the Justices deposited 2,111 cash receipts totaling $306,770 and made 60 disbursements totaling $318,091.
  • We reviewed a sample of 556 cash receipts totaling $78,948 and all 60 disbursements totaling $318,091.

There were no recommendations as a result of this audit.