Beaver River Central School District – Collection of Real Property Taxes and Retiree Health Insurance Contributions (2021M-123)

Issued Date
October 22, 2021

[read complete report - pdf]

Audit Objective

Determine whether Beaver River Central School District (District) officials ensured that real property taxes and retiree health insurance contributions were properly collected, recorded and deposited.

Key Findings

The real property tax collections and retiree health insurance contributions we reviewed were properly collected, recorded and deposited. However, District officials did not adequately segregate the duties of or establish adequate compensating controls over a senior account clerk/tax collector (clerk) who is responsible for receiving, recording, depositing and reporting all money collected for real property taxes and retiree health insurance contributions.

Although our testing did not identify discrepancies, when officials do not provide oversight of employees who handle funds, there is an increased risk that errors or irregularities could occur and not be detected in a timely manner.

Key Recommendation

  • Adequately segregate the duties of or establish adequate compensating controls over the clerk.

District officials generally agreed with our recommendations and have initiated or indicated they planned to initiate corrective action.