George Junior Republic Union Free School District – Website Transparency (2021M-212)

Issued Date
March 25, 2022

[read complete report - pdf]

Audit Objective

Determine whether the George Junior Republic Union Free School District’s (District) website provided the public with transparent and comprehensive financial  information.

Key Findings

Although District officials maintain a website, certain financial information was either not posted or comprehensive, resulting in a lack of transparency. This limits the  community and other interested parties from readily accessing and reviewing documents to make informed decisions.

Officials did not post the following information they were required to include on the District’s website:

  • External audit reports
  • Original and final annual budgets, and
  • Board meeting minutes

Key Recommendation

  • Ensure that required and helpful financial and administrative information is posted to the District’s website in a transparent and comprehensive manner.

District officials agreed with our findings and recommendations and indicated they have initiated or planned to take corrective action.