Town of Wappinger – Recreation Department Cash Receipts (2020M-130)

Issued Date
March 05, 2021

[read complete report - pdf]

Audit Objective

Determine whether Town of Wappinger (Town) officials developed adequate controls to ensure Recreation Department (Department) cash collected is accurately recorded and deposited timely and intact (in the same amount and form as received).

Key Findings

Town officials did not develop adequate policies and procedures over Department cash collections and did not ensure that cash is deposited timely.

  • Officials did not provide adequate oversight of the Department cash receipts process and the duties of the Recreation Director (Director), and Department staff responsibilities were inadequately segregated.
  • Department staff did not deposit 543 collections totaling $42,861 (composed of cash and checks) within 10 days, as required.
    • For example, in July 2019, one deposit (composed of $3,085 in cash and $10,810 in checks) was deposited between 11 and 69 days after the collections.

Key Recommendations

  • Segregate duties within the Department or when not feasible implement compensating controls, such as providing additional oversight.
  • Deposit all cash receipts within 10 days.

Town officials generally agreed with our recommendations and have initiated or indicated they planned to initiate corrective action. Appendix B includes our comment on an issue that was raised in the Town’s response letter.