Village of Pittsford – Audit Follow-Up (2017M-51-F)

Issued Date
February 12, 2021

[read complete report - pdf] | [read 2017 complete report - pdf]

Purpose of Audit

The purpose of our review was to assess the Village’s progress, as of August 2020, in implementing our recommendations in the audit report released in July 2017.


The Village of Pittsford (Village) is located in the Town of Pittsford in Monroe County and has a population of approximately 1,400. The Village is governed by an elected Board of Trustees (Board), which is composed of four Trustees and the Mayor. The Village’s annual budget for the 2016-17 fiscal year is approximately $1.3 million funded primarily through real property taxes, sales tax, State aid and user charges.

Results of Review

Based on our limited procedures, the Village has demonstrated limited progress implementing corrective action. Of the seven audit recommendations, one recommendation was fully implemented, four recommendations were partially implemented and two recommendations were not implemented.