Local Government

Local Sales Tax Collections Increase by 1.6 Percent in the First Quarter of 2024

Marks the Lowest Rate of Quarterly Year-Over-Year Growth in Three Years. View Monthly and Quarterly Local Sales Tax Collections by Region.

Image of a parked ambulance.

The Growing Role of Counties in Emergency Medical Services

This report examines the local government role in emergency medical services (EMS) in New York State and particularly the growing role that counties are playing in EMS provision. Declining staffing levels, increasing costs and other challenges have put pressure on the State’s EMS agencies. In many cases, counties are stepping up to help. Their EMS expenditures are growing rapidly and increasingly they are participating directly in providing EMS to their residents, either as primary responders or as back-up providers to their local EMS agencies. The current circumstances call for more State involvement to support the efforts of counties and other local governments to turn fragmented and ad hoc responses into comprehensive solutions.

School desk with journal and pencil on top.

Fiscal Stress Monitoring System (FSMS) – School Districts: Fiscal Year 2022-23 Results

This snapshot highlights the Fiscal Stress Monitoring System (FSMS) results for school districts that reported for school fiscal year (SY) 2022-23, which ended on June 30, 2023. Increases to federal pandemic relief aid and the State fully funding foundation aid kept many districts out of a stress designation. For SY 2022-23, sixteen school districts were designated as being in stress—the second-lowest number since the system was created. The report also includes a look at districts that have been chronically stressed over the eleven years since FSMS began.

Aerial photo of a town in New York State.

Annual Report on Local Governments for Fiscal Year End 2022

This report provides a summary analysis of the financial state of the local governments outside of New York City for local fiscal years ending in 2022. In FYE 2022, local governments had a more stable environment, both financially and operationally, compared to the first two years of the COVID-19 pandemic. Still, some new challenges presented themselves, such as a sharp rise in inflation. | NYS Local Government Interactive Data.

New Official Guide

New Official Quick Start Guide

The Comptroller's Division of Local Government and School Accountability provides essential support to these officials to keep operations and services running smoothly for New Yorkers. If you’re a new local government official, complete the five tasks in this guide to get started in your new role.