Norwich City School District - Fund Balance Management (2018M-198)

Issued Date
November 30, 2018

[read complete report - pdf]

Audit Objective

Determine whether District officials adequately managed fund balance in the general fund.

Key Findings

District officials:

  • Developed budgets that were not structurally balanced by appropriating fund balance each year, including $1.5 million to finance the 2018- 19 budget when only $283,749 was available to fund operations. As a result, the District ended 2017-18 with a $1.2 million unassigned fund balance deficit.
  • Ineffectively budgeted each year for various known expenditures and revenues.
  • Developed a long-term financial plan that was unrealistic when compared to the adopted budgets.

Key Recommendations

  • Adopt realistic, structurally balanced budgets based on historical or known amounts and reduce the reliance on fund balance as a financing source.
  • Discontinue the practice of appropriating fund balance that is unavailable.
  • Maintain reasonable fund balances and reserves in accordance with adopted policies.
  • Ensure long-term plans are realistic, periodically updated and used when creating budgets.

District officials agreed with our recommendations and have initiated or indicated they planned to initiate corrective action.