Official Compilation of Codes, Rules and Regulations of the State of New York

Title 2. Department of Audit and Control

§ 203.5 Budget and financial plan format.

Each budget and financial plan shall:

(a) be prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America on a modified accrual basis. When an organization, program, activity or function that is reportable under such principles is not included in the budget, the budget shall clearly disclose this exclusion and the associated justification;

(b) be based on reasonable assumptions and methods of estimation;

(c) be organized in a manner consistent with the authority's programmatic and functional activities;

(d) include detailed estimates of projected operating revenues and other sources of funding;

(e) include detailed estimates of personal service expenses related to employees (e.g., salary and wage costs, overtime, health insurance and pension costs) and personal service contracts with outside contractors;

(f) include detailed estimates of non-personal service operating expenses (e.g., materials and supplies, contracts, and rentals);

(g) include estimates of projected debt service expenditures; and

(h) include a corresponding cash budget and financial plan, and identify all material cash adjustments.