Legacy Reporting

Important Filing Reminders

Legacy Reporting

  • Only use adjustments to make changes to previously reported data. If you are reporting data for the first time, you need to submit it in a regular monthly report.
  • Once you submit a member’s data in a regular monthly report, if you need to submit any subsequent data for that member, submit it in an adjustment report. Multiple regular reports in a month are acceptable, as long as they report different members.
  • Do not include new members without NYSLRS IDs in your monthly report. You need to keep a detailed, month-by-month record of a new member’s days worked, salary and NYSLRS deductions until you receive a NYSLRS ID. If you enroll members through Retirement Online, you will receive the member’s NYSLRS ID and contribution rate immediately.
  • Use two decimal places in your adjustments for salary and days worked whether you make your adjustments through Retirement Online or submit an Adjustment Report (RS2050).
  • If you submit an Adjustment Report (RS2050), sign the certification section, attach an Adjustment Report Label (RS2050-A) and mail the report to the address listed at the top of the form.
  • An Adjustment Report (RS2050) should only include adjustments for a single report code.


Rev. 2/20