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XIV.1 Outstanding Check Outreach and Escheatment
XIV.2 Obligation, Accounting and Budget Dates
XIV.3 Investment of State Funds/Interest Earnings Distribution
--XIV.3.A Overview
--XIV.3.B Short Term Investment Pool (STIP)
--XIV.3.C Distribution of STIP Investment Earnings
XIV.4 Agency Bank Accounts
--XIV.4.A Agency Bank Accounts Overview
--XIV.4.B Establishment and Closing of Bank Accounts
--XIV.4.C Bank Account Reporting and Reconciliations
XIV.5 Employee Award Programs
XIV.7 Monitoring Payments Made to Vendors
XIV.8 Controls to Prevent Prohibited Transactions Using Sole Custody Funds
XIV.9 Statewide Financial System Imaging and Attachment Guidance
XIV.10 State Credit Card Process Information
--XIV.10.A Required Information for State Credit Cards
--XIV.10.B Travel and Purchase Rewards Programs; Updated Information Regarding T-Cards, P-Cards, and NET-Cards
XIV.13 Prompt Payment Interest
--XIV.13.A Overview
--XIV.13.B Error Identification and Resolution
XIV.14 Capital Projects
--XIV.14.A Statewide Accounting Policy - Capital Assets and Depreciation
--XIV.14.B Capital Assets
--XIV.14.C Necessity for General Capital Assets Reporting
--XIV.14.D Criteria for Recording General Capital Assets Including Infrastructure
--XIV.14.E Recording General Capital Assets
--XIV.14.F Valuation of Capital Assets
--XIV.14.G Maintenance of Capital Asset Records
--XIV.14.H Disposition of General Capital Assets
--XIV.14.I Treatment of Infrastructure Assets
--XIV.14.J Depreciation and Modified Approach for Infrastructure Capital Assets
--XIV.14.K SUNY and CUNY Senior Colleges Funds and Public Benefit Corporations
--XIV.14.L Asset Retirement Obligations