Operational Advisory No. 31

Operational Advisory
Office of Operations
Bureau of State Accounting Operations
Advisory Name
General Ledger Journal Entries Workflow Change
Date Issued
Date Last Updated


GFO Updates pertaining to the new General Ledger Journal Entry (GLJE) Workflow Change


Effective April 1, 2019 a change in workflow was implemented for GLJEs. In conjunction with the Statewide Financial System (SFS), the Office of the State Comptroller (OSC) removed agency dollar thresholds and streamlined the GLJE workflow process.

Once a GLJE passes through Agency Approval and Budget Check, it runs against the Bureau of State Accounting Operations’ (BSAO) established risk criteria. The Journal Approval tab will indicate that the transaction has been:

  • Auto Approved (Generic GL User) and posted during the next batch process,
  • Routed to OSC BSAO Workflow for additional review, or
  • Auto Denied (denial reason will be noted in the comments)

Agencies must attach all supporting documentation at the time of transaction submittal or posting in SFS (i.e. bulkload transactions). In addition, agencies are reminded that all transactions are subject to all audits and must be submitted, approved and posted in accordance with all policies, rules, guidance and legislation, as applicable. If at any time, a transaction is deemed inappropriate, agencies must reverse the transaction upon request of the reviewer (i.e. OSC, DOB, auditor, etc.).

Chapter VIII.1 AP Journal Vouchers and GL Journal Entries has been updated to reflect these changes. Any questions on this change can be directed to BSAO as follows:

  • Accounts Payable Journal Vouchers
  • Expenditure Transfers
  • Hybrid Transfers
  • Appropriated Transfers
[email protected]
  • Revenue Transfers
  • Operating Transfers
[email protected]