XV. End of Year

Guide to Financial Operations

XV.14 Federal Admin Recoveries

XV. End of Year
Guide to Financial Operations

Transfer authorization authority for Federal Transfers to Other Funds (Source 9’s) lapses on the last day of the state fiscal year.

Source 9 requests for new activity codes must be received by the date identified in the Office of Operations Events and Deadlines Calendar. Submission of a request after the dates specified may not provide OSC sufficient time to conclude its review prior to the beginning of the SFS blackout period.

Agencies should review their child budgets for Source 9 related activity codes and reduce them to actual expenditure levels to allow for the movement of any excess authority to other activity codes within the project.

All Source 9 activity codes will have their status changed to “Inactive” by OSC on the last business day of the state fiscal year.

For additional information relating to Federal Transfers to Other Funds, see Chapter IX, Section 9.B - Transfers to Other Funds of this Guide.

Guide to Financial Operations

REV. 01/06/2020