XVII. Lapsing Appropriations

Guide to Financial Operations

XVII.2 Overview

XVII. Lapsing Appropriations
Guide to Financial Operations

SFY Appropriations

State Fiscal Year (SFY) State Operations appropriations (excluding SUNY and CUNY) that are not reappropriated and the SUNY Stabilization Account appropriations lapse after close of business on June 30 or the first business day following if June 30 falls on a non-business day.

Local Assistance, Community Projects, Capital Projects, Legislature and Judiciary, and Debt Service appropriations lapse after close of business on September 15 or the first business day following if September 15 falls on a non-business day.

SUNY and CUNY State Operations and SUNY Aid to Localities appropriations lapse after close of business September 30 or the first business day following if September 30 falls on a non-business day.

CUNY Stabilization Account and enacted 2-year appropriations lapse March 31 or the preceding business day if March 31 falls on a non-business day.

Guide to Financial Operations

REV. 08/19/2016