PayServ Manual

Viewing Garnishment Balance Adjustments

PayServ Manual


The purpose of this task is to review an employee's garnishment adjustments month-to-date, quarter-to-date, or year-to-date that have been made in the Payroll System.

Helpful Hints

  • This page is display only; fields can be viewed, but changes cannot be made to them.
  • Although the Garnishment Balance Adjustment page can be viewed for an employee, no data will be shown unless OSC staff have entered a balance adjustment for the employee with a garnishment.

Viewing Garnishment Balance Adjustments

Navigation Path

Main Menu > Payroll for North America > Periodic Payroll Events USA > Balance Reviews > Garnishments


  1. Enter employee’s EMPLID.
  2. Click the Search button.
  3. Select the Garn Balance Adjustment tab.
  4. View the Garnishment Balance Adjustments page.


The employee's garnishment balance adjustments have been viewed using the Garnishment Balance Adjustments page.