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X.1 Overview
X.2 Guide to Vendor Management Policies
X.3 Vendor Registration
--X.3 Overview
--X.3.A Agency Vendor Registration
--X.3.B OSC Vendor Registration
X.4 Vendor Records
--X.4 Overview
--X.4.A Identifying Information
--X.4.B Address
--X.4.C Contacts
--X.4.D Location
X.5 Single Payment Vendor Requests/Identification Numbers
--X.5.A Assigned Single Payment Vendor IDs
--X.5.B Requesting a Single Payment Vendor ID
X.6 Special Use Vendor Identification Numbers
--X.6 Overview
--X.6.A Requesting a Special Use Vendor ID
X.7 Customers
--X.7 Overview
--X.7.A Centralized Corporate Customers
--X.7.B Local Customers
X.10 Record Retention for Vendor Records