XII. Expenditures

Guide to Financial Operations

XII.7.A Responding to Voucher and Expense Report Audit Questions

XII. Expenditures
Guide to Financial Operations


The Bureau of State Expenditures’ (Bureau) auditors may need additional information, clarification, or documentation from agencies during the voucher or expense report audit process. Agencies are required to provide this information timely.

Process and Transaction Preparation:

To request additional information, clarification, or documentation during the voucher or expense report audit process, Bureau auditors will contact a Voucher Authorizer at the agency via phone call or email. Agencies have the following responsibilities to ensure Bureau auditors can successfully contact Voucher Authorizers:

  • Online agencies must ensure their Voucher Authorizers’ email addresses are up to date in the Statewide Financial System, as these are the email addresses Bureau auditors will use.
  • Bulkload agencies have provided contact information, including email addresses, to the Voucher Audit Team. Bulkload agencies must send an email for all changes in voucher contacts to [email protected]. The email must include the name, email address, and phone number of the new contact.

Since the traveler’s supervisor and/or the agency’s finance office are responsible for ensuring the traveler’s expenses are appropriate, when Bureau auditors request additional information, clarification, or documentation to support an expense report, the traveler’s supervisor or agency’s finance office should respond to the request.

If requests for additional information, clarification, or documentation are not addressed timely, the Bureau will return a voucher or expense report to the agency. There will be a higher likelihood of returns if agencies do not respond to requests within 24 hours. Also, a delayed response to the Bureau’s request may cause New York State to incur unnecessary interest costs.

Guide to Financial Operations

REV. 01/24/2020