Accounting Notices and Bulletins

Accounting for Medicaid Expenditures

The purpose of this bulletin is to provide updated guidance to counties on accounting for Medicaid expenditures. This bulletin supersedes our November 2005 accounting bulletin entitled Medicaid Cap Update.

Getting the Most Out of Your Internal Audit Function

The brochure outlines additional opportunities, for Schools and BOCES, beyond the traditional financial transaction cycles (and requirements of the Five Point Plan) that could be gained from utilizing the internal audit function to its fullest extent.

Accounting for TAN and RAN Premiums

Local governments are more often receiving significant premiums upon the issuance of Tax Anticipation Notes (TANs) and Revenue Anticipation Notes (RANs) and accounting treatment has not always been consistent. This bulletin clarifies the prescribed accounting treatment of TAN and RAN premiums and the restrictions on the use of these premiums.

Installment Purchase Contracts

This bulletin provides updated information on the accounting for installment purchase contracts, superseding an earlier bulletin issued by the Office of the State Comptroller for local governments in New York State. All previous guidance has been incorporated into this bulletin.
Updated December 2015 (Originally Issued January 1991)

Accounting for Various Gaming Revenues

The purpose of this bulletin is to provide updated guidance to local governments and school districts on the accounting for various gaming revenues. This bulletin addresses the following:

  • Moneys received or distributed as a result of Indian Gaming Compact or Settlement Agreement; and
  • Casino licensing fees and various gaming revenues as a result of the Upstate New York Gaming and Economic Development Act of 2013.

Updated July 2017 (Originally Issued February 2017)

The Financial Reporting Entity – as Updated by GASB Statement 61

This bulletin provides updated information on the definition of the financial reporting entity, superseding an earlier bulletin on this topic issued by the Office of the State Comptroller for local governments in New York State. All applicable previous guidance has been incorporated into this bulletin.
Updated October 2012 (Originally Issued July 2012)

NYS Emergency Services Revolving Loan Account

This bulletin provides updated information on the accounting for loans received pursuant to the NYS Emergency Services Revolving Loan Account. It incorporates changes in the law and updated account codes used for reporting. All previous guidance has been incorporated into this bulletin.
Updated December 2015 (Originally Issued June 2015)

Deposit Placement Programs

Chapter 128 of the Laws of 2012 amended sections 10 and 11 of the General Municipal Law (GML) to authorize local governments to use “reciprocal deposit” programs for their deposits and investments. The purpose of the amendment is to provide an additional option to local governments for obtaining coverage from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) to secure their public deposits and investments.