VII. State Revenues and Appropriated Loan Receivables

Guide to Financial Operations

VII.2.B Payment Worksheet

VII. State Revenues and Appropriated Loan Receivables
Guide to Financial Operations

A Payment Worksheet is used by agencies to apply payments received from customers to accounts receivable (AR) Items in SFS. The process for creating a Payment Worksheet starts with the agency entering the deposit and payment information in the ‘Regular Deposit’ navigation in SFS, similar to a Direct Journal Payment however, agencies should not check the ‘Journal Directly’ box. (See Section 2.A – Direct Journal Payment of this Chapter.) Once the ‘Regular Deposit’ step is completed, the agency must then create the Payment Worksheet.

SFS Navigation: Accounts Receivable > Payments > Apply Payments > Create Worksheet

Once the Payment Worksheet is created with the appropriate AR Item(s) selected, the agency must review the ‘Balance’ group box on the Worksheet Application page to ensure that the ‘Remaining’ amount equals zero before the worksheet can be set to post. Accounting entries do not need to be manually created as the entries will automatically be created from the chartfields included on the AR Item the deposit will be applied to. 

Effective September 18, 2023, when the Payment Worksheet is balanced to zero, the agency must then select the Posting Action of ‘Batch Standard’ on the Worksheet Application page for both sole custody and joint custody bank accounts. For deposits to a joint custody bank account, the payment will be posted to the customer’s account, but the accounting entries will not be posted to the cash or modified accrual ledgers until it is approved by OSC-BSAO. 

Once the agency has selected ‘Batch Standard’ on their Payment Worksheet, they can then send their payments and required documentation to DTF-Treasury. See Section 2.C – Direct Journal Payment & Payment Worksheet – Treasury Requirements of this Chapter. Agencies should not send payments to Treasury until their Payment Worksheet has been set to ‘Batch Standard’.

Upon notification from DTF-Treasury that the funds have been received and deposited at the bank, OSC-BSAO will review and approve the deposit in SFS. The Payment Worksheet will then run through the SFS Receivable Update process automatically and post the accounting entries to the cash and modified accrual ledgers.