XI. Procurement and Contract Management

Guide to Financial Operations

XI.15.A Competitive Grants Procurement Record

XI. Procurement and Contract Management
Guide to Financial Operations

For competitive grants, documentation concerning the procurement process and the decisions made during that process ("the Procurement Record") must be submitted to the Office of the State Comptroller (OSC) for review in advance of the contracts for the program. OSC approval of the Procurement Record must be obtained before an agency submits the program contracts to OSC. Pre-approval of the Procurement Record is intended to reduce the amount of time needed for OSC review of grant contracts.

Process and Document Preparation:

For grants programs, agency staff should submit a complete Procurement Record at least thirty (30) days prior to the contract(s) start date to ensure sufficient time for approval and the timely execution of contracts.

The Competitive Grants Procurement Record Checklist (AC 3270-S) identifies the documentation required when submitting a Procurement Record for a competitive grants program to OSC for approval. Agencies are strongly encouraged to submit a completed copy of the Competitive Grants Procurement Record Checklist with the Procurement Record. Use of the Checklist will guide agencies in providing the required documentation and will assist OSC in performing a timely review of the information submitted.

A Procurement Record is not considered complete and ready for submission until all applicants have been notified of the preliminary intent to award or not award and the bid protest time frame has closed. All documents related to any protest should be included in the complete Grant Procurement record.

OSC will issue an electronic letter notifying the agency of the approval or non-approval of the Procurement Record. The letter will include the Program Name, the Procurement Record identification number (PR ID) assigned by OSC, and the Reporting Code for the procurement. The agency should include a copy of the approval letter with each contract submitted to OSC and should identify the PR ID and Reporting Code in the "Description" field when completing the Single Transaction Summary (STS) (or in the first Description field if an AC 340-S is used) for each contract. Failure to include this information may cause a delay in the contract’s review.

Guide to Financial Operations

REV. 10/14/2021