XI. Procurement and Contract Management

Guide to Financial Operations

XI.4 Overview

XI. Procurement and Contract Management
Guide to Financial Operations

Although grant contracts are not specifically defined in legislation, they are typically referred to as “program” contracts and are often characterized as service agreements that support the mission of an agency by ensuring that critical services are provided. Not-for-profit entities generally provide these services.

Legislation (State Finance Law Article 11-B) has been enacted to facilitate timely review and approval of these agreements, including delineation of requirements for the assessment, suspension or waiver of interest payments. This section provides information related to grant contracting, specifically:

  • Not-for-Profit Prompt Contracting
  • Standard Contract Language for Grant Contracts
  • Legislative Initiatives
  • Indirect Cost Allocations
  • Not-for-Profit Short-Term Loans

Guide to Financial Operations

REV. 03/19/2012