Payroll Manual

Background Information

The Earnings Section has a wide variety of responsibilities which focus on ensuring that approximately 250,000 State employees in more than 500 payroll agencies are paid correctly and in accordance with appropriate laws, rules, regulations, and contractual provisions. The Section performs its responsibilities for employees of the Executive, Judiciary, Legislature, State University, and senior colleges of the City University of New York.

The NYS payroll system, PayServ, is based on a relational database customized from a PeopleSoft program. The system was implemented in 1998 and has been modified and updated several times to keep the system up to current business standards. Many customizations have been created to automate payroll processing and to make the PayServ system more user friendly for the NYS payroll customer.

The PayServ System

The PayServ system is a relational database developed using Oracle’s PeopleSoft. In a relational database, tables of data are related by one or more pieces of data. Scripts or programs are then written containing criteria required to complete certain processes. Relational databases save space in a computer system and offer more flexibility to use the same data for multiple processes. Relational databases are also easier to maintain, as tables are easier to edit than hardcode.

Data is entered into the PayServ System by various methods. An agency can use one or a combination of these methods.

Positions, the basis for approved jobs in PayServ, are established in the PayServ system either manually or by file. Earnings staff is assigned to review reports and queries created by the position process. After processing, a report created of all the positions make up the Schedule of Positions for DOB. This report is created to document all positions and all employees paid through PayServ for New York State.

  • Positions set up by Division of the Budget and Department of Civil Service are sent nightly via a DCS NYSTEP file (NHRP524) to either establish or change positions. The nightly process audits the data and adds certain pieces of information needed for the PayServ process. For example, NYSTEP, may send a position for a Teacher. They do not send a Pay Basis Code. The PayServ Position process will assign all Teacher type titles with specific job codes with a 21P pay basis code.
    • If the position is filled by an incumbent, the staff in the position unit will change the position as needed.
  • Certain agencies submit their own position files. SUNY submits a nightly file (NHRP720) much like the NYSTEP file.
  • Certain agencies have access to create their own positions. CUNY has staff in their main office who directly enter the needed information into PayServ.
  • The OSC Position Team creates certain positions in the PayServ system in particular cases.
    • This team creates NYS Positions or underfill positions as needed for the agencies.
    • They create Trooper Positions from the State Police.
    • They create new Extra Service positions.
    • They create new positions for agencies that are not covered by NYSTEP.
    • They process agency requested updates including changes to pay basis codes (i.e. 21P to CAL).

Employee Data is entered into the PayServ system either by direct entry by agency staff or Automated Interface or by files from agencies or third party sources.

  • Direct Entry is done in the agency by the staff. They will enter all necessary data that is needed to process the employee’s paycheck directly into the system. They will have to respond to all on-line edits.
  • The Automated Interface, AI process, was created in 2005 to allow HR systems in agencies to send files with certain information directly into PayServ instead of manually entering it. A very large percentage of agencies use this method; most SUNY agencies, UCS, Parks, DMV, DOB, the Senate, Encon, and many more. CUNY is developing their system and should be live soon.
  • Transactions sent to the Time Entry Page are sent by file or direct entry or both.

Upon completion of the transaction entry and review, staff “calculate” (compile the input data to determine the earnings, deductions, taxes, and net pay for all employees), and “confirm” (perform final computations that once completed, will not allow any changes) employee paychecks for final payment and distribution.